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Business Directory Submissions

Get a FREE local business directory scan to maximize your visibility. See how your business is listed on the top local directories!

Everything you need to supercharge your local search visibility

We build new citations

Submit listings cross 60+ partner sites, including Bing, Apple Maps, Facebook, TomTom, and Yellow Pages.

Clean up existing citations

We fix NAP inaccuracies in existing citations so there’s no misinformation for your customers.

Remove duplicate listings

We remove harmful duplicate listings that could be holding back local SEO performance.

Why Choose The Web Silo’s Submission Service?

There are many companies that effectively charge to rent your business listings to you. Invariably, you don’t own the listing and you’ll be stuck in the renting cycle. And if you leave, your listings could revert back or disappear completely. That does not sound business savvy!

With The Web Silo you retain full ownership of every listing we build, with all login details passed to you in an excel spreadsheet.

Don’t just take our word for it…

Save time, money and Get a FREE local business directory scan to maximize your visibility. See how your business is listed on the top local directories!