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3 Reasons You Need to Budget for Social Media Marketing

3 Reasons You Need to Budget for Social Media Marketing

As a business owner, you know you need to get found hence the need to invest in marketing. We have all heard about Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O) and Content Marketing (Blogging) but we fail to realize the importance of social media in an every growing mobile world. With sites like Amazon, Ebates, and even Groupon, most people shop, read the news and search for businesses using a mobile device.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LyfePal and even YouTube can provide your businesses more exposure either through reviews shared with friends and family, viral shares from fans or a carefully thought-out ad.

Check out the 3 reasons you need to budget to for social media marketing:

  • It is cost effective – Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter have offered businesses the option to purchase ads for less than traditional ads for a long time now. And now platforms like Tik Tok and Snapchat are joining the bandwagon for a targeted approach for businesses to reach their target audience. You can boost a post or run ads on Facebook for as little as $5 which is amazing compared to running an ad on Google Ad Words.
  • It helps develop a customer relationship – social media has helped a lot of businesses get instant feedback, complaints and complements alike leading to a more personalized relationship as you can immediately reach out to the customer on the spot and thank them for their support. Following and responding to these mentions on social media will do wonders for your brand – since you will appear caring and responsible – and customers will start to form a positive image of you.
  • It helps you focus on your target audience – The more time you put into maintaining and managing a quality social media marketing campaign, the more effective your campaign will be moving forward. This in turn will help produce an analytics report per social media platform that will help your brand identify things like bestselling products or services.

Hiring a social media strategist or virtual assistant will play a major role in generating buzz about your brand and making sure your audience stays current with the happenings of your brand while giving you the time to get the job done. Check out more info on social media marketing by The Web Silo and how we can help.

Our social media management services position your business to be top of mind when your future customers are ready to buy. Using our Social Media Management service gives you a practical process to keep your brand in front of your customers on a consistent basis. “Consistency” is the operating word here.

Do you currently have a social media marketing strategy you would like to share? Comment below!

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